In honor of a box office hit, and the month of a green themed Holiday, today on POSH we celebrate being green!

Instead of talking about ways to reduce, reuse and recycle, let’s talk about ways that you can support local production. Even as local as your own backyard! On a close to daily basis, we are constantly reminded of the importance of recycling, using environment friendly products and other very cliche “green” options.
Here is a way of going green that is helpful, potentially money saving and fun! More people are utilizing farmers markets and locally grown products to support farmers and organically grown products. People are also turning to their own personal gardens. Most likely, your yard is either perfectly manicured, or covered in children’s toys, either of which is completely usable for an “urban garden” (even if you are living with a backyard balcony). These ideas for backyard gardens don’t ruin any aesthetics and it is such a fun way to not only save money by growing some of your own staple items, but it is a great way to get your kids involved. It’s educational and great quality time.

Home sprouting is another new trend. Sprouted wheats, beans and different nuts are packed with nutrients, and it is so easy to do at home. This is a great sprouting resource for different items to sprout, how to do it and even different recipe suggestions. Having jars around the home is a great option for storing all the food you are sprouting/growing for long periods of time. It’s also a great alternative to plastic storage ware and is an easy way to portion out breakfasts, salads or other meals for on the go families. Check out this genius idea.

Going along with urban farming and sprouting, this book, Urban Farm Handbook, is an excellent read for healthy recipes and methods for growing your own food.

Use this home growing opportunity as therapeutic alone time, or quality time with the kids. It’s so rewarding to watch what you’ve planted and taken care of grow!
Do any of you already grow your own food or gardens? Share your tips and favorites with us!
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