POSH Success. Schedule your day, week and month.

Organization is our middle name! POSH success will come naturally with these tips for scheduling your life! A little extra planning can help you with your hectic schedule and give you some peace.

  • Organize Your Time. Multitasking doesn’t always work when it comes to keeping yourself organized! Sometimes you need to be able to focus on a single task in order to really get it out of the way. Using a timer can really help! Set it for 15 minutes and you will be amazed at how much you can get done if you are trying to beat the clock!
  • Get the Family Involved. If you color-code your calendar, even your kids will know which schedule to follow.
  • Anticipate every need. You have got to be prepared for anything and everything! This will help you save time and even money. Keep coins in your purse and smaller bills on hand. Throw bandaids, pain reliever, hand sanitizer, a stain remover pen, safety pins and some nail clippers in your purse! Luckily larger bags are IN right now!
  • Keep organized lists. Writing out what you need to do each day can go a long way toward helping you actually get it all done. Grocery shopping? Always go shopping with a list and focus on buying those items ONLY! Bring only enough cash for the items on your list.
  • Stock your pantry with essentials. extra cake mix, brownie mix, frosting for those last minute bake sales or parties. A well-stocked pantry can include a list of recipes you can make from canned and boxed goods. Keep a short list taped to the inside of the cabinet to remind you of the quick meals you can make in a pinch!
  • A great planner. Try managing your time online with a Google calendar or go with an old-shool day planner. Planners definitely help you manage your time more efficiently!
  • Cut out the clutter. Get rid of something every single day and you will be able to lighten your load by 365 items each year!






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