Have you sent off any letter’s to Santa yet? If not, it’s time to get planning and if you need some extra ideas on great things to get you kids, here are a few! There are a lot of unnecessary, unsafe or just plain ridiculous toys out there to sift through and we are all in favor of fun toys that are still appropriate and educational!

Furbys are back. Ok, Furbys may not be in the least bit educational, they may actually lean more towards a headache, but you can rest assured that it is an appropriate and entertaining toy. They are great for boys AND girls too!

Another great gift is the Leapfrog LeapPad 2. It gives the kids a chance to have a “pad” to play with that Mom and Dad didn’t get themselves at a slightly more expensive computer store. All the games on LeapPad are also educational! This is also a great toy for boys AND girls.
There are few kids out there who aren’t in love with Nintendo Wii. Wii is seriously great not just for the kids, but for the whole family! Who doesn’t love a little friendly family competition or an entertaining workout? Best Toys Guide put out a list for some kid-friendly Wii games.

A really cute and creative gift option for your little girl is this “no bake necessary” cake pop maker! This is a great way to spend time with your daughter in the kitchen and even give her the opportunity to make dessert for everyone!
Remember, that especially as many of us have had to tighten our wallets, this is a great time to get creative with your gifts. Or also take an opportunity to keep it simple. Books, clothes or even a special trip somewhere will create some memories that will last longer than a toy!
Share some of your gift ideas with us on Facebook and Twitter or leave a comment below!
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